Sunday, June 30, 2024
HomeEntertainment7 days of rage: Protests kick-off in Migori

7 days of rage: Protests kick-off in Migori

A section of residents in Migori county have taken to the streets to stage demonstrations a day after President William Ruto withdrew the controversial Finance Bill 2024.

In a video seen by K24 Digital, the protesters were seen barricading the roads with a torched tyre as they chanted ‘Ruto must go!’.

The protesters mainly composed of youths are seen peacefully walking around as police maaning the area watch them.

The latest comes in line with the ‘Seven Days of Rage’ action plan shared by activist Boniface Mwangi, in a move meant to pressure the government to reject the Finance Bill 2024.

According to the action plan shared last week, today’s agenda for protesters was to occupy the State House.

However, uncertainties regarding the planned call to action in Nairobi continue to linger, as a section of vocal activists have come forth to urge protesters to abort the mission.

In Nairobi, a contingent of officers had been deployed as early as 6 am to man the city ahead of the anticipated protests.

Earlier, Activist Boniface Mwangi made a U-turn regarding the plans to occupy State House asking protesters to avoid State House and instead occupy Parliament in today’s anticipated demonstrations.

In his statement shared via X on Thursday, June 27, 2024, Mwangi also urged Kenyans to ignore the confusion regarding today’s demonstrations urging protestors to show up and picket.

“People coming out today is to remove the idea that politicians own us, it’s a demonstration that this moment belongs to us and it’s WE the People who tell the president what to do and not the other way round,” the activist said

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“Secondly, the state has used fear by killing people on Tuesday and there should be a clear signal that speaking up shouldn’t be this costly. Those who were abducted, maimed and killed would otherwise have done so in vain. Ignore those bringing confusion, and most importantly telling you to Occupy State House. See you at parliament. #OccupyParliament.”

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