” Stop Taking ODM Wars to the Senate” Machakos Deputy Governor Badly Lectures ODM Leaders Over Oduol

" Stop Taking ODM Wars to the Senate" Machakos Deputy Governor Badly Lectures ODM Leaders Over Oduol

The Machakos Deputy Governor Francis Mwangangi has thanked the senate for refusing to be involved in ODM wars in the Impeachment of Siaya deputy governor William Oduol. According to Mwangangi, the charges against Oduol is pure witch-hunt and a waste of time and resources.


Francis Mwangangi has asked Orengo and his deputy Oduol to sit together and focus on taking Siaya County forward. He is firm that the people of Siaya are not interested in political wars rather they are focused on the benefits that they will get from government.

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Here is a link: https://twitter.com/PeopleDailyKe/status/1674355191112511489?t=mCD3zJ0g_bkjMQC9AtYY0Q&s=19



The Siaya Governor James Orengo has refused to have a conversation with his deputy on issues that will take the county forward. He is instead pushing a narrative that’s useless and largely irrelevant for he was elected together with his deputy and he was never alone.

The deputy governor of Machakos County has affirmed that what happened in the senate is something that has touched his heart. He is happy that Raila and his team have been told off for fighting a leader based their argument on his political preference.

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Content created and supplied by: Kingangi (via Opera
News )
