Just In: Kalonzo Makes U-Turn as He Alleges The Following Details About Azimio Planned Demos

Just In: Kalonzo Makes U-Turn as He Alleges The Following Details About Azimio Planned Demos

Kalonzo Musyoka, who recently proclaimed himself the leader of Kenya, has encouraged President William Ruto to change his mind and put the interests of the nation above his own goals.


In Kalonzo’s opinion, Team Azimio, which is led by parliamentarian Hon. Otiende Amollo, still has time to reexamine the conversation that should have taken place and come up with a solution.

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This happens less than a day after the Azimio coalition party disrupted bipartisan negotiations by holding a demonstration at Nairobi’s Kamukunji grounds and announcing that they will not participate in the conversation.


Beginning on July 7, Raila says there will be widespread protests every day until the Kwanza government in Kenya is removed.

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However, the leader of the Wiper party, Kalonzo Musyoka, has changed his mind about the scheduled demonstrations and he has pushed Otiende Amollo and Murungaru to sit down, resolve the issues presented by Azimio, and then make their resolution public.

Content created and supplied by: Kinglessnews (via Opera
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