What Bonny Khalwale Has Told Martha Karua About Her Political Career Hours To Today’s Mega Rally

What Bonny Khalwale Has Told Martha Karua About Her Political Career Hours To Today's Mega Rally

According to the Senator Bonny Khalwale, Raila Odinga running mate has made an everlasting mistake and is seeking to salvage herself from the mistakes which according to him is costing her, her political career



Kakamega senator Bonnie khalwale is currently appearing before a panel discussion in one of the leading Media houses where he is giving his sentiments about the planned azimio rally that has been scheduled for today

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The vocal senator has revealed how Martha karua helped him during her downtime politically, that Karua stood with him when 7 the ministers under the coalition government abandoned him.

His remarks coming at a time when the opposition is awaiting the arrival of the former prime minister raila odinga into the country before heading for the mega rally in Nairobi today.

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Senator Bonny Khalwale says that Martha karua associating herself with the opposition cost her a lot and that’s the reason why she is currently facing a political death bed.

Watch the video here

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