Leaders and activists report arrest of Morara Kebaso, call for his immediate release

Morara Kebaso

A section of political leaders and human rights activists have reported the arrest of government accountability advocate Morara Kebaso, and demanded for his immediate release.

Kebaso’s arrest was reported on Monday, September 30, 2024.


The lawyer-turned activist is reported to have been picked up from Kahawa Sukari where he was setting up his office, by people who introduced themselves as officers from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations.

Leaders demand Kebaso’s release

Political leaders and activists joined hands to demand the release of Kebaso, after reports of his arrest went viral.

Saboti Member of Parliament Caleb Amisi argued that Kebaso cannot cause any harm, and that the government should let him go and focus on matters of national importance.

“Please release Morara Kebaso he can’t cause you any harm! . Let’s focus on matters of national importance!” Amisi stated.

Kisii county senator Richard Onyonka has also expressed his concerns over abductions and arbitrarily arrests going on in the country.

Onyonka in a statement shared via his official X account said Morara should be released immediately or presented in a court of law within the next few hours.

“It is appalling that abductions and arbitrary arrests are ongoing in the country. The young man Morara Kebaso must be released immediately or presented to court in the next few hours, or else this government will lose its legitimacy completely!” Onyonka stated.

Human rights activist and CEO of Vocal Africa lobby group Hussein Khalid he was camping at Nairobi Area Regional Police Headquarters in Upper Hill, Nairobi, with Morara’s family and lawyers to secure his freedom.

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Kebaso held incommunicado

Khalid argued that the police had taken Morara’s phones while arresting him, and that they had also denied him access to his family, lawyers and friends.

“We’re presently at Nairobi Area Regional Police Headquarters, occupying the place with family, lawyers, friends and colleagues of Morara Kebaso When arresting Morara, police took his phones and now they have denied us access and he’s being held incommunicado. Impunity of the highest order!” Khalid stated.

Morara’s lawyer, who followed a police car to Nairobi Regional Headquarters in Nairobi, revealed that the team was blocked from accessing the facility.

“They have restricted access and have strict instruction from the top not to allow any person to access Morara including lawyers, media personnel, and any other persons,” the lawyer told the press.

His arrest comes a day after spending his weekend in Bomet and Kericho counties carrying out his usual civic education rallies and exposing stalled government projects.

Barely an hour before he was arrested, he took to his X account to denounce the brutal abduction and torture of Mombasa-based blogger Bruce John.


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