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Olivia Nuzzi and RFK Jr. scandal shocks media and politics

When a woman becomes involved with a Kennedy man, the prevailing question is: What could she possibly be thinking? The latest scandal centres on Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a former presidential candidate and current Trump supporter, and Olivia Nuzzi, a young reporter from New York Magazine.

Both of their partners were reportedly blindsided by an alleged affair that involved ‘demure’ nude photographs sent by Nuzzi to Kennedy. The New York Post recently claimed the pair also engaged in ‘FaceTime sex’. This story emerged about ten days ago when New York Magazine announced that Nuzzi was on leave pending an investigation into her conduct.

When asked by Fox News last week if he had any regrets, Kennedy, 70, responded, “I never comment on those kinds of stories.” This scandal has disrupted the intersections of politics, media, and Hollywood, standing out even in a chaotic presidential election cycle. It raises questions about the continued allure of the Kennedy dynasty and whether this crisis could signify the end of Camelot.

Historically, Kennedy men have not treated women well, whether they were wives, girlfriends, mistresses, sisters, or daughters. Patriarch Joe Kennedy, a former US ambassador to Britain, was politically and financially ruthless, as well as sexually deviant and violent.

John F. Kennedy, before his presidency, warned guests at the family compound in Hyannis, Massachusetts, to lock their doors due to Joe’s nocturnal wandering. Some girls, like Pamela Harriman, were raped by Joe. These atrocities were an open secret.

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Joe’s wife, Rose, was humiliated by Joe’s movie-star mistress, Gloria Swanson, who regularly joined them for dinner. Joe also had a decade-long affair with his secretary Janet Des Rosiers, which began when she was 24 and he was 60. Rose turned to prescription pills for solace.

JFK exhibited similar behaviours, attempting to bed his brothers’ conquests. During his presidential campaign, he slipped Janet Des Rosiers a note asking if she found him attractive. In 1953, he met Jacqueline Bouvier, a debutante from New York City. She was enchanted by him and broke off her engagement to be with him, despite knowing his playboy reputation.

Jackie, however, was wrong in thinking she could handle his infidelity. JFK had numerous affairs, including with Pamela Turnure, Jackie’s press secretary, and Mimi Alford, a teenage intern who JFK sexually exploited. He even involved her in performing sexual acts on his aide, Dave Powers, while he watched.

Marilyn Monroe had affairs with both JFK and his brother, US Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. Concerned, Marilyn’s therapist, Dr Ralph Greenson, described the Kennedy brothers as “very destructive people.” Marilyn threatened to reveal the truth, and she was found dead shortly after a visit from Bobby.

The Kennedy brothers never faced consequences. Their father, Joe, set the precedent with his philandering and the forced lobotomy of their sister, Rosemary, due to her learning disabilities and volatile outbursts.

The Kennedy saga includes tragic incidents like the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, who drowned after Ted Kennedy’s car veered off a bridge. He escaped, while she struggled for hours in an air pocket. Carolyn Bessette, wife of JFK Jr., was blamed for the plane crash that killed them both, despite it being caused by JFK Jr.’s pilot error.

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Mary Richardson, RFK Jr.’s second wife, hanged herself after discovering his numerous affairs. Despite her death, RFK Jr. portrayed himself as the victim. He later had her body exhumed and reburied away from the Kennedy family plot.

In the current scandal, insiders claim Olivia Nuzzi was aggressive and that RFK Jr. was a victim of her actions. RFK Jr. has threatened legal action against her, while Nuzzi has lost her fiancé and likely her job. Despite the dangers posed by the Kennedy family, their myth continues to captivate. The Kennedys remain American royalty, with their women bearing the brunt of public blame and humiliation.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • NBC News reports that multiple Kennedy family members denounce RFK Jr.’s endorsement of Donald Trump, labeling it a “betrayal” and undermining family principles.(read more)
  • Politico reports Robert F. Kennedy Jr. apologized to a woman he allegedly sexually assaulted in the late 1990s, despite denying specific memory of the incident and labeling the allegations ‘garbage’. His apology follows extensive media coverage of past marital infidelities and other misconduct.(read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

What is the latest scandal involving a Kennedy man?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is involved in an alleged affair with reporter Olivia Nuzzi.

Did Olivia Nuzzi send nude photos to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.?

Yes, she allegedly sent ‘demure’ nude photographs via text message.

What happened to Mary Richardson, RFK Jr.’s second wife?

She hanged herself in 2012 after discovering RFK Jr.’s numerous affairs.

Why are Kennedy men considered dangerous to women?

They have a history of infidelity, abuse, and discarding women, causing significant harm.



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