Arkansas parents arrested for selling baby for US$1,000 and beer

Photo of Jamie Cartwright

A couple from Arkansas was detained after allegedly attempting to sell their two-month-old baby for US$1,000 and a six-pack of beer at a campground.

Darien Urban, 21, and Shalene Ehlers, 20, face felony charges for endangering the welfare of a minor and trying to accept compensation for relinquishing a minor.


The Benton County Sheriff’s Office received a call from the Hide Away Campground manager on September 21, reporting that the couple tried to hand over their baby for a six-pack of beer and then demanded US$1,000, according to an affidavit.

The couple signed a letter transferring custody of their child before handing the boy to another person, including a disclaimer that the child could not be returned.

“Darien Urban and Shalene Ehlers are signing their rights over to Cody Nathaniel Martin of their baby boy [redacted] for US$1,000 on 09/21/2024,” the letter stated. “Disclaimer: After signing this, there will be no changing your minds, and no further contact.”

Witnesses confirmed the attempted adoption, according to the affidavit.

Upon arrival, a deputy found the baby needing medical care and called emergency medical services to transport the infant to a hospital for signs of neglect. The Arkansas Department of Human Services now cares for the child.

A witness reported a strong ammonia and faecal smell from the baby, who had a dirty diaper. After changing the diaper, she noticed severe rash, blisters, and swelling, documenting the injuries with photographs.

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A deputy reportedly obtained mobile phone footage of Urban and Ehlers signing the contract with the man attempting to purchase their baby, as stated in the affidavit.

Witnesses claimed that Ricky Crawford, a campground resident, had earlier visited Urban and Ehlers and offered to take the baby for the night in exchange for several cans of beer, according to court documents.

After Ehlers allegedly asked another couple for beer and was declined, Crawford offered beer in exchange for keeping the baby overnight.

During an interview, Crawford appeared heavily intoxicated and expressed concern about the baby’s welfare, wanting to take the child out of Urban’s and Ehlers’ care for the night, which they accepted.

“He asked if he could have the baby overnight and provided Urban and Ehlers with several cans of beer in exchange,” the affidavit stated.

“Urban and Ehlers agreed and gave the baby along with a diaper bag to Crawford. He then brought the baby to Martin at another camper at the campground. Ehlers and Urban then came to the same camper and spoke to Martin and Crawford before signing the letter.”

The affidavit noted that Urban and Ehlers created a significant risk of death or severe physical injury by abandoning their child initially with an intoxicated male and ultimately with a stranger.

Martin told deputies he drafted the contract and, while no money had been exchanged yet, he planned to give the couple a US$1,000 cheque on September 23.

According to the affidavit, Urban and Ehlers reported Crawford had come to the camper and requested to take the baby for the night. They stated they agreed and gave the baby to Crawford before going to the camper where the baby was to speak to Martin.

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The Arkansas couple offered to surrender the baby to Martin in exchange for US$1,000 in cash, the affidavit added.

“They stated Martin created an agreement that they videotaped to ensure it was legal and planned to ‘legalise’ it on Monday. They both stated they then left, understanding the baby was given to Martin in exchange for US$1,000 to be collected on Monday.”

Martin said he discussed with the mother her reason for potentially surrendering her child. The mother, Elhers, stated that “it was not working having three dogs and a baby.”

Urban was released on a US$50,000 bond, while Ehlers remains in custody in the Benton County Jail on a US$30,000 bail.

Urban previously created a GoFundMe, stating financial struggles after the birth of their first child.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • NYPost reports a shocking case of a couple allegedly signing a contract to sell their baby to a visibly intoxicated man for US$1000 and beer, raising serious child abuse concerns. (Read more)
  • KFOX reports on an Arkansas couple, Darien Urban and Shalene Ehlers, accused of trying to sell their 2-month-old baby for a six-pack of beer and US$1,000, highlighting serious child endangerment and adoption attempts. (Read more)
  • Newsweek focuses on the couple’s rationale behind their decision, pointing out their struggle with parenting alongside pet ownership, which raises questions about their capability to care for a child. (Read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

Why were the Arkansas couple arrested?

They allegedly tried to sell their baby for US$1,000 and beer.

What condition was the baby found in?

The baby had severe diaper rash, blisters, and swelling, and needed medical attention.

Who initially took the baby from the parents?

A campground resident, Ricky Crawford, took the baby overnight in exchange for beer.

What did Martin plan to give the couple in exchange for the baby?

He planned to give them a US$1,000 check.