Ruto Reveals The Whooping Amount Of Millions He’s Personally Spent In Fundraisers

Ruto Reveals The Whooping Amount Of Millions He's Personally Spent In Fundraisers

President Ruto was speaking during a meeting with Bodaboda riders associations where he revealed the amount of his own money he has spent in fundraisers. At the start before the Ruto addressed the Bodaboda riders, some drama was witnessed.


Bodaboda riders had clashed before him as leaders accused each others of being cartels in the sector. One leader could not give his speech due to noise made by other Bodaboda riders.

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He was forced to cut short his speech saying that he’ll invite president Ruto in another meeting. President Ruto has urged the sector to uphold unity.


He said that he has been in different Bodaboda riders’ functions and fundraising where he has spent 250 million from his own pockets.


He said that the sector is important and it is a business like any other and thus it should be supported. What do you think about Ruto’s statement? Please share your views with us in the comments section below.

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Content created and supplied by: Ndunguri (via Opera
News )
