James Cameron defends Terminator: Dark Fate…Do you agree with him?

dark fate

James Cameron, who served as producer on Terminator: Dark Fate, says the movie stands as a solid third in the franchise.

The Terminator franchise has had a rough go ever since T2: Judgment Day. Terminator 3 had its moments like the crane chase, but Salvation and Genysis did virtually nothing to enhance the flailing series. So what about Dark Fate? That at least reunited Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton! Well, if you ask James Cameron, Terminator: Dark Fate is the only standout outside of his own movies.


Speaking with Empire as the original Terminator turns 40 this year, James Cameron leant his defense to Dark Fate, which he called “cracking” although couldn’t help but note that it still doesn’t match the first two movies. Even still, he does put it in an easy third place. Still, he knows there are issues with Dark Fate – which he served as producer on – that may not have been anticipated going in. “We achieved our goal. We made a legit sequel to a movie where the people that were actually going to theatres at the time that movie came out are all either dead, retired, crippled, or have dementia. It was a non-starter. There was nothing in the movie for a new audience.”

As such, the box office numbers were a disappointment, at least compared to what James Cameron is used to. “Our problem was not that the film didn’t work. The problem was, people didn’t show up. I’ve owned this to [director] Tim Miller many times. I said, ‘I torpedoed that movie before we ever wrote a word or shot a foot of film.’”

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As far as Terminator sequels go, yeah, Dark Fate isn’t all that bad. But when you’ve got Salvation and Genysis out there, that’s not exactly the highest compliment. Still, its high points greatly outshine those in its previous two predecessors and we do have to admit that we dug it upon release, giving it a 9/10.

As for more recent Terminator fare, Netflix put out anime series Terminator Zero this past summer to wide acclaim. Meanwhile, 1984’s The Terminator received a 4K release which came with its own set of issues…

Where do you place Dark Fate in your ultimate Terminator movie ranking? Do you agree with James Cameron’s assessment?