HomeSouth AfricaI am sorry but I dislike my mother. She posted on Instagram

I am sorry but I dislike my mother. She posted on Instagram

Once again, media personality and DJ Cyaan Boujee finds herself embroiled in controversy, as if it were an inseparable part of her life. The influencer, who had recently made headlines in August due to a leaked video that exposed her in a compromising situation, is back in the spotlight for apparently all the wrong reasons. In the wake of the video leak, Cyaan Boujee had alleged that DJ Prince Kaybee was responsible for the unauthorized release. However, Prince Kaybee chose not to respond to these allegations, leaving the matter unresolved.

Now, Cyaan Boujee is making waves on social media yet again, but this time it’s for a statement she posted on her Instagram story. In her own words, she wrote, “I’m sorry but I h8t3 my mom.” This declaration ignited a significant debate on social media, raising eyebrows and sparking discussions. Expressing such strong negative sentiments about a parent, especially a mother, goes against the grain of traditional African beliefs and values. South Africa, at its core, is an African country deeply rooted in these values.

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3316353933ef4374a7e9554ea12a18a8?quality=uhq&resize=720Some individuals firmly believe that uttering such words about a parent can attract bad luck and misfortune, attributing Cyaan Boujee’s recent troubles to her negative views about her mother. On the other hand, a more modernized perspective argues that each person’s relationship with their parents is unique and personal, making it unjust to judge from the outside. Regardless of the debates and discussions, many hope that Cyaan Boujee can mend her relationship with her mother. The sight of a parent and child estranged from each other is a somber one, and reconciliation is often the most favorable outcome for all parties involved.89ac792c276147e2b63f44d516befa71?quality=uhq&resize=720

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Cyaan Boujee’s life seems to be a rollercoaster of controversies, but as with any public figure, her personal relationships and feelings are complex. In a digital age where words and sentiments can spread like wildfire, it’s crucial to remember that there is often more to a story than what appears on social media.

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