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Gaza mother separated from triplets amid escalating conflict

Triplets born a year ago have been separated from their mother, Hanan al-Bayouk, since birth. She yearns to reunite with them but faces insurmountable barriers. The Gaza conflict has claimed thousands of children’s lives.

In August 2023, al-Bayouk, 26, travelled from Gaza to Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem for a high-risk delivery. Her triplets, born prematurely and underweight, have been thriving. However, she had to leave them shortly after their birth due to movement restrictions on Palestinians. Returning to Gaza while her babies were in intensive care, she feared legal repercussions. Once they were ready to leave the hospital, war erupted, leaving her stranded. Video calls became her sole means of contact.

Her daughters, Najwa, Nour, and Najmah, are under the care of Al-Makassed hospital. The hospital features colourful drawings, toys, and baby walkers, a stark contrast to Gaza’s dire conditions. Gaza has faced blockades and bombardments since Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October. The U.N. children’s agency reported in March that over 13,000 children had been killed in the Gaza conflict, with many suffering from severe malnutrition.

Dr. Hatem Khammash, director of neonatal intensive care at Al-Makassed, confirmed the triplets are developing well. “Their mental development and breathing are good,” he noted. “The only sadness is their separation from their mother.” Hanan stays updated through WhatsApp when Gaza’s internet allows, as war has severely disrupted communications.

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Hamas militants’ incursion into Israel, resulting in 1,200 fatalities and over 250 hostages, triggered Israel’s military offensive. More than 41,206 Palestinians have died, with 95,337 wounded, and many areas of Gaza have been destroyed. Ceasefire talks mediated internationally show little progress.

At Al-Makassed hospital, staff gently repeat “Mama” to help the girls recognise their mother’s image on the phone and reach out for the screen.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • AOL.com reports on Hanan al-Bayouk, a Gaza mother separated from her triplets in Jerusalem, highlighting Israeli restrictions and the stark contrast between hospital conditions and Gaza’s war-torn environment. (Read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

Why can’t Hanan al-Bayouk be with her triplets?

Israel’s movement restrictions on Palestinians and the ongoing conflict prevent her from reuniting with them.

Where are Hanan al-Bayouk’s triplets being cared for?

They are being cared for at the Al-Makassed hospital in Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem.

How does Hanan keep in touch with her triplets?

She uses video calls via Whatsapp, though connectivity issues due to the war can complicate this.

What is the current condition of the triplets?

The triplets are developing normally, with good mental development and breathing, according to their doctor.

How has the Gaza conflict affected children?

Over 13,000 children have been killed, and many suffer from severe malnutrition and lack the energy to cry.



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