EFF Deputy President Criticizes ANC Leadership Over Apartheid Blame Game

EFF Deputy President Criticizes ANC Leadership Over Apartheid Blame Game

Monday, September 04, 2023

Today, Monday, September 4, 2023, EFF Deputy President Floyd Shivambu took to Twitter to express his frustration with what he called the “mediocre puppets” within the ANC leadership. His remarks come in response to a video in which the Minister of Transport, Sindisiwe Chikunga, attributed the current challenges in the country’s rail infrastructure to the apartheid government. Shivambu’s comments reflect growing discontent over the recurring blame placed on apartheid for contemporary issues.


In a tweet, Shivambu stated, “These ANC mediocre puppets have zero intellectual, political, ideological, and even spiritual commitment and fortitude to bring about meaningful change to South Africa.” He went on to question the Minister of Transport’s statements, asking, “How on earth does a minister of transport blame no investment in rail infrastructure on the apartheid government? Wasn’t apartheid removed so that a post-apartheid government could do better? What rubbish is this?”

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The debate surrounding the legacy of apartheid and its impact on present-day South Africa is not new. However, Chikunga’s recent remarks reignited the discussion, drawing both support and criticism from various quarters.

Advocates of addressing apartheid’s lasting effects argue that acknowledging historical injustices is crucial for understanding and rectifying contemporary challenges. They contend that historical disadvantages continue to affect marginalized communities in the country.


Conversely, critics like Shivambu assert that the ANC government, now in its post-apartheid era, should take greater responsibility for addressing the nation’s issues. They argue that it is time to move beyond blaming apartheid and focus on effective governance and policy solutions to address the country’s infrastructure and socio-economic problems.

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South Africa’s political landscape has long been characterized by debates over the role of history in shaping the present. The EFF’s strong stance against what they perceive as complacency within the ANC is emblematic of a broader discourse on leadership and accountability in the nation.


As the nation grapples with complex issues, including economic disparities, infrastructure challenges, and social inequalities, it is essential for political leaders to engage in constructive dialogue and action that seeks to address these problems effectively. The ongoing discussions surrounding the legacy of apartheid are a reminder of the need for a balanced approach that combines historical acknowledgment with contemporary solutions.

https://twitter.com/FloydShivambu/status/1698606507812593794?t=s9dniomXX4ptWZUXtrua0g&s=19 https://twitter.com/donalddavhie/status/1698301050850001338?s=19

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