How I Reacted To My Former Boss Who Has Always Hated Me, During A Transport Chaos In France—Olukoya

How I Reacted To My Former Boss Who Has Always Hated Me, During A Transport Chaos In France—Olukoya

Dr Dk Olukoya the founder and presiding General Overseer of Yaba based Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in a video shared on his official Facebook page, the cleric has revealed an incident that happened between him and his former boss who has always hated him, when they both travelled for a conference in France. The cleric has revealed how he reacted to him during a period of transport chaos in France.


According to the cleric, he has shared in his words, from 0:01 to 04:04 of the video thus; “I worked in a place some years back and I worked under a boss who did not like me at all. This he did not hide at all, as, he always harassed and said all sorts of insulting words at me. Upon all these, I never at any time retaliated nor tried to defend myself. At a time, something happened, I was to travel to France for a scientific meeting, in which he too was to travel—he did not tell me of his travelling because he did not like me. But, I had travelled before him and gotten to France before he did. A day before his arrival, a riot happened, and there was a strike. Train and other vehicles were not moving”.

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As shared by the cleric, ” As a result of this, those who travelled to the area could not get any vehicle that would convey them, most especially those coming from the airport. I went to the airport, hired a taxi, and waited for him to arrive from Nigeria. By the time I saw him come down from the aeroplane, he looked worried. The reason was that they had been told that, as a result of the strike action in the area, there would not be any vehicle to convey them to their respective destinations. He then saw me and was surprised, I told him I came to pick him up because, he would suffer as a result of the situation on the ground; no bus no taxi. He was speechless”.

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As shared by the cleric, ” I told him to follow me—I took his luggage and we boarded the taxi to his hotel. As the taxi was passing through the town, the whole place was in a mess. The strike had had a great effect on the city. He was lodged successfully in his hotel. After all this, he looked at me tearfully and apologized for not liking me in the first place. As from then, he became so fond of me. Whenever anyone or some people were gathered saying bad things about me, he would flare up and warn them severely. I successfully transformed him from a bitter person towards me by showing him love, instead of bitter retaliation for his hatred for me”.

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