Azimio MP Tells President Ruto Face-to-face Where He Should Allocate the Housing Fund

Azimio MP Tells President Ruto Face-to-face Where He Should Allocate the Housing Fund

The Finance Bill 2023 was already passed in parliament but some leaders who opposed are still not satisfied by some of the provision.


Speaking during a Thanksgiving service at Ildamat Stadium in Kajiado County today June 25, Kajiado South Member of Parliament Elijah Memusi told president Ruto face to face why he voted against the finance bill.

He said that he was okay with every other thing except the housing provision where all civil servants and their employers need to contribute 3% of their earnings.

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He claimed that every time he goes to his constituency people don’t ask for houses but education, food and medication.

Memusi suggested that the Ksh7.5 billion that will be collected monthly should be allocated to education to make it free.

He said, “Your excellency, I had reservations on the workability of the idea. We are going to get Ksh7.5 billion every month. In my own ways, I did quick calculations. If we divide the money among 290 constituencies each one of them will be getting Kah26 million monthly for bursaries and education will be free the entire country.”

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Memusi talked about President Ruto’s idea that the housing program will avail employment opportunities suggesting that this can be done through exporting labour to countries like India, Mexico and Philippines.

Watch him explain this from minute 3:30.

Content created and supplied by: GirlinSpecs (via Opera
News )
