British mother is horrified by Dubai hotel guest’s disgusting poolside habit

The mother said she heard a familiar clicking sound while enjoying the sun in Dubai

  • Social media users debated whether this was best done in private

A British mother on holiday in Dubai has told of her shock when another hotel guest disguised himself by the pool.

TikTok user itsakatylife expressed her disgust after witnessing a “grown man” clipping his nails at a public pool, before “taking them all off the towel and putting them on the floor.”

“I want to know what you would do in this situation,” she told her 9,000 followers, to mixed reactions.

“How can I be so shocked by the nature of some people?” she said. “Please tell me I’m not the only one who is completely disgusted by this.”

Followers came forward with shocking anecdotes about similar experiences, with one saying it ‘happened to me on a bus in Glasgow’ and another claiming she had once seen a woman ‘cutting her nails in a restaurant’.

The mother said she heard a familiar clicking sound while enjoying the sun in Dubai

Katy shared the post on TikTok with her 9,000 followers on August 29. However, her awkward story about her experience has been viewed more than 100,000 times.

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“I’m sitting by the pool watching the kids live their best lives,” she told her followers, painting a picture of the scene.

“I’m just sitting here doing my own thing, and I hear this clicking.”

‘And I think, “I know what that sound is. Please don’t let it be right next to where I’m sitting…”

‘I know exactly what that sound is: a dirty pig clipping its toenails, about 15 feet away from me.

‘A man – a grown man! – is clipping his toenails by the pool.’

Katy grimaces at the camera.

“How can I be so shocked by the character of some people?” she wonders.

‘And the worst part was, when he was done, he threw them all off the towel and onto the floor.

Please tell me I’m not the only one who hates this so much.

‘Clipping your toenails is a private matter. Don’t do it at a public swimming pool.’

Katy’s message was heard by others with similar experiences, who shared their stories in the comments.

One user wrote: ‘It happened to me on the subway. The girl next to me was filing her nails and putting on nail polish.’

Another said: ‘I was on the bus and a woman started picking dead skin off her feet and throwing it on the ground. What is wrong with people?’

Lisa Jones said, “My ex used to cut them off and eat them.”

And Lulu added: ‘That’s nothing, I’m in Dubai at the moment and saw a woman sitting by the pool, picking the dead skin off her heel and then throwing it into the water like it was cheese on a baked potato!’

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Others sympathised with Katy’s own plight as they sat in a sun lounger in Dubai.

“Why would you do it by the pool and NOT in your room?! I would be livid!!!!” said rudette5.

“Oh no, that’s just wrong on so many levels. Some people eh,” said another.

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“I know what that sound is… Please don’t let it be right next to where I’m sitting,” she said

“That’s gross, ignorant behavior. And it’s definitely something you do in secret,” said user Georgie Hoskyn.

‘Even if your hotel looks beautiful because of the reflection of your sunglasses. Get a villa and avoid all this.’

Not everyone was completely convinced.

User Adi joined in the conversation: ‘So what?’. Katy replied: ‘Yes, so what!!’

Another user said: ‘I’ve plucked my eyebrows in the tanning bed before, but that’s my limit!! I only do it to save time in the room later.’