Otters attack runner in Malaysian park, leaving her bloodied

Otters attack runner in Malaysian park, leaving her bloodied

A group of otters attacked a runner, leaving her with scratches and bloodied wounds before fleeing.

On September 11, Mariasella Harun was running in Tanjung Aru Recreation Park in Sabah, Malaysia, when eight otters charged at her.


Mariasella, dressed in dark pink running pants, an Adidas t-shirt, and a running belt, was in the park just after 6 am.

Roland Oliver Niun, Director of the Sabah Wildlife Department, believes the otters entered the park to reach the pond for food. CCTV footage captured them heading towards the area.

Mariasella recounted, “Suddenly, I saw something emerge from the drain near Kinabalu Golf Club. The creature leapt out and bit me while I was running. There were many of them. I couldn’t even stand up when it happened.”

A photograph shows Mariasella sitting by a path, covered in scratches and blood on her arms, soaking her leggings, and even on the side of her head and face.

Two other runners also sustained minor injuries while trying to assist Mariasella.

Niun explained that a population of wild otters lives near the park. He noted, “We also see a change in the animals’ behaviour when the community feeds them.”

He continued, “Otters generally avoid humans. Their perceived cuteness might lead some to mistakenly believe they are friendly and tame. Although there are reports of otters being domesticated in other parts of the state, it is not advisable to approach them, as they can bite when provoked. In this case, the family of otters might have seen the victim as a threat to their cubs and reacted defensively.”

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Mariasella was quickly taken to the hospital, and a wildlife team member was called to oversee the otters.

The otters fled the scene, and wildlife officials plan to strengthen the park’s fence to prevent further intrusions.

Niun added, “We also ask the park manager to report any otter sightings after the repairs are completed.”

Locals have been warned to avoid approaching any animals in the park and especially not to feed them.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • Running Magazine reports a Malaysian woman was attacked by a gang of otters during her morning run, with eight otters aggressively searching for food, leading to severe injuries and hospitalization.(read more)
  • TMZ reports that a Malaysian jogger was attacked by a pack of otters, leaving her with severe injuries and requiring hospitalization.(read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

What happened to the runner in Sabah, Malaysia?

She was attacked by a gang of otters, leaving her scratched and bloodied.

Why did the otters attack the runner?

The otters might have perceived her as a threat to their cubs and reacted defensively.

What time did the otter attack occur?

The attack occurred just after 6am.

How did the authorities respond to the otter attack?

They transported Mariasella to the hospital and resolved to strengthen the park’s fence.

What advice did wildlife officials give to locals?

They warned against approaching or feeding the animals in the park.