“We Didn’t Join For Positions” Recalled EFF MP Vusi Khoza Hits Out

Source: https://twitter.com/vusumuzikhoza/status/1696371476356538597?t=YVTmMr8i8gVl-OwJSSBXuQ&s=19

Vusi Khoza, a senior member of the Economic Freedom Fighters has announced that he will not appeal the recent decision by the party to recall him from his position as a Member of Parliament.

The EFF heavyweight, however, expressed that his loyalty to the red berets goes beyond any specific position he may hold within the party. “We didn’t join for positions. No need to appeal,” he declared. This sentiment underscores the notion that his commitment to the party’s core ideals and principles outweighs personal ambitions for political office.


The decision not to appeal the recall has sparked discussions among political analysts, with some speculating that this move might indicate a more profound sense of unity and shared purpose within the Economic Freedom Fighters. It challenges the common narrative of political figures being driven primarily by their desire for power and position.

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The Economic Freedom Fighters party, known for its radical stance on economic transformation and social justice, has often been associated with outspoken members who prioritise their political roles. However, this recent turn of events might shed light on a different aspect of the party’s inner workings—one that places emphasis on ideological dedication over personal gain.

Despite the recall, the senior member affirmed his intention to remain an active and loyal participant within the Economic Freedom Fighters. This decision is likely to earn him respect from both within the party and the broader political landscape, as it showcases his unwavering commitment to the EFF’s mission.

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The Economic Freedom Fighters member’s response has initiated conversations about the true motivations that drive individuals to engage in politics. As the EFF moves forward with its reshuffling, this incident might serve as a reminder that party loyalty and dedication to principles can often hold more weight than the pursuit of personal advancement.

Content created and supplied by: DissentingVoices (via Opera
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