Home South Africa Twitter CCC supporters already declare Chamisa as the next Zim president: Opinion

Twitter CCC supporters already declare Chamisa as the next Zim president: Opinion

Twitter CCC supporters already declare Chamisa as the next Zim president: Opinion


This is just a wish, it is a dream that may never come to pass. We all know that Zimbabwe does not know fair and free elections ever since 1980. All that we see is a party that has been rulling the people with an iron Fist for over years now. They have been attempts so many times to overthrow this cruel governance but it was all in vain. So many tried so that the people of Zimbabwe can be free, but they all failed.

It is just that we must believe in the Bible when it says, “each and everything that is under the sun has got its own time. There is time to exist, there is time to exit, there is time to be established, there is time to be overthrown. There time to be put in place and a time to be removed, a time to get in and time to get out. I believe that Zanu-pf’s time is coming, if it is not this time. We wish all the best especially for the citizens (CCC)

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