Four Homosexuals Get Arrested in Uganda to Face The Wrath of President Yoweri Museveni

Four Homosexuals Get Arrested in Uganda to Face The Wrath of President Yoweri Museveni

A few hours ago a report emerged stating that four people have been arrested by the Uganda Police Department having broken the law by engaging in Homosexuality. According to the report, these people were arrested red-handed in the act by the police.


Photo courtesy, image used for evidence purposes only.

According to the report, all these people will be locked in the cells until two of them gets pregnant as President Yoweri Museveni ordered when he was banning homosexuality. The four are still being held by the police inside the cells as they await to be aligned in the court of law for judgment.

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Photo courtesy, image used for illustration purposes only.

The four will be punished harshly by the government for breaking the law and disrespecting the people of Uganda. Please share your thoughts on this report in the comments section below. Please do like, comment, and share.

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