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HomeNews"Kilio Cha Wakenya Kwa Raila" Here Is Why You And Other Kenyans...

“Kilio Cha Wakenya Kwa Raila” Here Is Why You And Other Kenyans Are Crying Days To July 2023

Kenyans are anxiously waiting for the opposition leadership to make a major announcement on the way forward after the Members of the National Assembly collectively voted and passed the 2023 finance bill. The politically charged parliament session showed the MPs affiliated with Kenya Kwanza defeating the opposition team. The controversial government-sponsored bill has been highly criticized by Kenyans over its intention to raise tax rates, thereby increasing inflation rates. The new taxes will start working in July this year.




According to reports analyzed and written on the front page of today’s Taifa Leo newspaper, Kenyans countrywide are in pain from the high cost of living and have now turned their cry to the former prime minister, Hon. Raila Odinga. The page quotes that many Kenyans are passing through hard economic times and are in sincere opposition to the bill. The bill intends to raise the tax cut on petroleum products from the current rate of 8% to the proposed one, which stands at 16%.

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The analysis indicates that the increase in petroleum products will severely dehydrate Kenyan pockets, with the price of commodities expected to skyrocket. Other products that have been proposed for a tax increase include beauty products and employed Kenyans who will have their salaries cut for the housing program.


“Kenyans are restless and anxiously hoping to get their grievances met by Mr. Odinga. Odinga has been at the forefront of opposing the finance bill. People from most parts of the country, including those affiliated with Kenya Kwanza, are now joining hands and crying, and indeed, almost everybody is crying for Hon.Odinga. They are totally against the financial bill. Even if it gets the president’s assent, Kenyans think it will dehydrate their pockets,” Taifa Leo is quoted on the front page.

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Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance leadership has invited its supporters to attend a consultative political rally at Kamkunji Grounds in Nairobi, next week, Tuesday. Raila is expected to use the platform to make a major announcement concerning the next course of events regarding the successful passing of the Finance Bill.









Content created and supplied by: Legendboss (via Opera
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