Commonwealth Surprises Kenyans After Releasing Findings of 2022 Election.

Commonwealth Surprises Kenyans After Releasing Findings of 2022 Election.

Today, the Commonwealth released their findings on the 2022 general elections in the Republic of Kenya, where Dr. William Ruto was able to defeat current opposition leader Hon. Raila Odinga.


Despite some difficulties encountered on election day, the Commonwealth’s observers have concluded that Kenya’s 2022 elections were free and fair, as evidenced by their tweet.

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This group also praised the IEBC for their dedication and tenacity during the previous elections. In addition, they praised Kenya for its technological advancements in election-related matters. Their report has been submitted to the Kenyan government and other interested parties.

The 15-member delegation, led by the former Jamaican prime minister, The Honorable Bruce Golding, concluded that, despite some difficulties, the election was generally credible, transparent, inclusive, and largely tranquil.

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The Group acknowledged the commitment and hard work of the Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission (IEBC) personnel and polling staff in carrying out this complex logistical operation.” Reads a section of the report.

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