Gachagua Tells CSs And PSs To Adopt This Minister’s Style Of Leadership Says He Is Impressed By Him.

Gachagua Tells CSs And PSs To Adopt This Minister's Style Of Leadership Says He Is Impressed By Him.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua today in Nyeri County praised the Cabinet Secretaries and the Principal Secretaries for their good job. Gachagua who was speaking to a congregation in Sagana State Lodge stated that he is impressed with Interior CS’s style of leadership.

He said that Professor Kithure Kindiki is a man of principle stating that he is a focused man who cannot be stopped by anything if he decides to do something. Gachagua added that Kindiki should not be worried while dealing with protestors

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“I want to commend our Cabinet Secretaries because they are doing a good job, especially our son Professor Kithure Kindiki. You deal with these people (protestors) Professor and don’t worry. I want to say to the Cabinet Secretaries and Principal Secretaries to adopt the Kindiki style of leadership. That once you focus on what to do nothing can stop you. I impressed by Kindiki’s style of leadership,” said the Deputy President.

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Gachagua went ahead and asserted that he has teamed with Kithure Kindiki and IG Koome to eradicate drugs and substance abuse in Mount Kenya. He told the President that the fight against drugs in the region is 70 per cent successful.


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