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“I’ll Soil My Name and I Don’t Want That” Raila Fires Back at Ruto Over His Handshake Debate

Opposition leader Raila Odinga has dismissed the claims that he is after a Handshake deal with President William Ruto.

The former prime minister Raila Odinga on 7th August in a top event responded to claims that he’s after a handshake with Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza government.

His remarks came hours after President Ruto reiterated his previous remarks to the Mt Kenya residents that there will be no ‘handshake’ between him and Opposition leader Raila Odinga.

Speaking as relayed by a report covered on Citizen TV Kenya, the veteran opposition leader ruled out a potential handshake with the government saying he can’t shake hands with thieves.

The phrase Handshake was coined after Raila reconciled with Former President Uhuru Kenyatta after a fierce battle in the 2017 elections that was characterised by mass demonstrations.

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According to him, the coalition is ready for talks with the government and therefore handshake claims are just being made to but time when truly they have failed to address key issues facing ordinary Kenyans.

Speaking on Saturday during his 5-day visit to the vote-rich region, Ruto clarified that his willingness to hold dialogue with Odinga was based on ironing out issues that had led to the violence and chaotic anti-government protests led by the Azimio opposition coalition.63082fe88019428aa8fe122b681721c2?quality=uhq&resize=720

“Sisi tumesema tuko tayari kuzungumza. Sisi hatujasema ata siku moja eti tunataka nusu mkate, Staki kushika mkono na wezi nitaharibu Jina langu. (We are ready to discuss, we have never said we want a nusu mkate arrangement. I do not want to shake hands with thieves; I will soil my name,” said the Azimio leader.

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After months of push and pull, the two leaders unexpectedly walked on the steps of Harambee, the office of the President, shook hands and from then worked together in serving Kenyans.

His statement comes off following president William Ruto and deputy president Rigathi Gachagua’s sentiments that Azimio la Umoja one Kenya Coalition’s leaders are after a nusu mkate in his government.

Dr Ruto said the only conversation he wants is taking forth the country through development agendas and not creating jobs for politicians with personal interests.

Content created and supplied by: ouchoh (via Opera
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