Letoya ‘Beaten to the Pulp’ by Lover

Letoya 'Beaten to the Pulp' by Lover

In a shockingly incident that has rocked the entertainment industry, former Generations: The Legacy actress, Letoya Makhene-Pulumo, allegedly suffered severe physical abuse at the hands of her partner, Lebogang Pulumo-Makhene. The altercation reportedly left her with serious injuries, including a punctured lung. Despite the severity of the incident, the couple has denied any altercation ever took place. Letoya’s relatives have come forward to shed light on the disturbing events that unfolded.


According to a relative who wished to remain anonymous, Letoya confided in them about the violent assault she allegedly endured at the beginning of last month. The injuries sustained, including a punctured lung, were so severe that she sought refuge at the house of an associate in Springs, East Rand.

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In the aftermath of the incident, Letoya enlisted the help of the law to retrieve her belongings from Lebogang’s family home in Mohlakeng.


Despite the claims made by Letoya and her relatives, Lebogang denies any wrongdoing. Both individuals maintain that they are happy in their marriage, inviting others to witness their harmonious relationship.

The alleged severity of the altercation prompted Letoya to consider filing for divorce, with the support of her relatives. However, it appears that she may have stepped back from this decision, given the couple’s denial and public display of unity.

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The alleged incident of domestic violence involving Letoya Makhene has brought to light the dark reality that exists behind closed doors. Despite the couple’s denial, Letoya’s relatives’ statements add weight to the seriousness of the situation. It is crucial to remember that domestic violence affects people from all walks of life, and raising awareness about the issue is essential to support those who may be suffering in silence. Letoya’s story may serve as a thought-provoking reminder of the need to stand against violence and offer support to survivors.



Content created and supplied by: Thabo_TheCreator (via Opera
News )
