Why Raila Has Canceled His Rally In Migori County Set To Happen Tomorrow

Why Raila Has Canceled His Rally In Migori County Set To Happen Tomorrow

Azimio coalition leader Raila Odinga had early planned to visit on 5th August Migori County for a rally. According to news that have reached to us right now is that Raila Odinga has canceled his political rally in Migori County which was set to happen tomorrow. Below is a Facebook link post with full evidence.


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The main reason why Raila and other Azimio leaders won’t host their rally in Migori County is because of the outbreak of cholera. Migori County ODM chairman Philip Makabongo said the reason why they have postponed the rally is because of these outbreak of cholera.

According to news reaching to us is that Raila Odinga an other Azimio leaders were expected to light candles in Migori in remembrance of those who were affected and died during anti-government demonstrations.

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What advice can you share with Raila Odinga and other Azimio leaders concerning this matter. Kindly feel free to share your opinion in comment section.

Content created and supplied by: Abuwillis (via Opera
News )
