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Major General’s political party association sparks concern, but where is Police Minister’s response?

Police Minister Bheki Cele has not commented on a Crime Intelligence official attending the EFF’s gala dinner, but the Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (Popcru) is concerned about Major General Feroz Khan’s association with a political party. It was confirmed that his ticket to the dinner was sourced by his close friend and tobacco manufacturer, Mohammadh Sayed, a close associate of Adriano Mazzotti. Popcru is concerned about Khan’s association with a political party.

Julius Malema, the CIC of the EFF, defended his involvement in funding from cigarette smuggler Adriano Mazzotti for his party’s registration before the 2014 general elections. However, many wondered who Mazzotti is and why his dealings with the EFF were considered “shady.” Mazzotti, an Italian businessman, gained attention after being linked to former President Jacob Zuma’s ex-wife, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma.

Mazzotti is known for illegal cigarette smuggling and tax evasion after his company, Carnilinx, was under investigation by the South African Revenue Services (SARS). In 2005, Mazzotti became the target of a massive SARS raid on suspicion of drug smuggling, but no drugs were found.

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Mazzotti then allegedly hired private investigators to find out who ordered the investigation into him. Malema’s generous R200K check to Malema raised eyebrows about political corruption, but he stated that if there was evidence that Mazzotti was guilty, he would have been arrested and dealt with by the law.

Mazzotti’s sudden political interests are eyebrow-raising, as Glenn Agliotti was linked to President Mbeki and Mazzotti told City Press that he is good friends with EFF President Julius Malema after admitting that he gave Julius R200,000 to register his party for elections. The cinematic part of the story is where Mazzotti must account for his actions. Belinda Walter, the attorney for Carnilinx, claimed British American Tobacco (BAT) paid Belinda Walter to spy on Carnilinx and leak information to them. Later, Belinda quit as attorney for Carnilinx, only to date Van Loggerenberg, the head of SARS investigating her former client Carnilinx.

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Julius Malema, an orator and facetious comedian, seeks friendships with all the bad guys, just like girls love bad boys. Adriano Mazzotti managed to influence judgement on his SARS investigation, and Glenn Agliotti is now free. It is time to open our eyes to the connections between international might, monarchy, and international drug dealings.

Content created and supplied by: Topdailygossip (via Opera
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