HomeNewsArap Kirwa Projects What Will Befall Raila in 2027 Election Should Ruto...

Arap Kirwa Projects What Will Befall Raila in 2027 Election Should Ruto Fail to Honor Poll Pledge

Kipruto Arap Kirwa has disclosed the next General Election will be one of a kind and full of history making occurrences. Speaking during a Morning Prime KTN show on Friday, June 23, Kirwa told the panel that Odinga may surprise many in 2027 Statehouse race.

According to Arap Kirwa, Ruto’s scorecard in his first five-year tenure will determine if he will manage a second round of presidency or not. The former UDA chairman told the panel that going by Ruto’s past scorecards, it’s imminent that he will fail to keep his poll pledge.956e83bf399742748fa9c8d2ac867187President Ruto has been on the receiving end following his unpopular economic and leadership misadventures. Kenya Kwanza boss promised to press a magic button immediately he takes power but nine months down the line he has not only failed to lower the cost of living but also introduced controversial bills to pinch Kenyans more on matters raising revenue.0d2b34978ec54bdfbae545f588759b1aArap Kirwa argued that Ruto’s failure to honor his pre-poll pledges will see his supporters swapping political camps and throwing their gauntlets behind Azimio chief Raila Odinga. Those close to ODM boss have revealed that the veteran politician is weighing his options regarding his future prospects.

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Azimio leaders among them Jeremiah Kioni and Eugene Wamalwa have revealed that Ruto’s popularity is vastly diminishing adding that chances of the man from Sugoi being a one-term president are practical and probable.

Content created and supplied by: MacmillanNyaberi (via Opera
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