Watch Out | EFF Deputy President Floyd Shivambu on all things politics, with Dr. Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh

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EFF force grounds really buckled down for EFF “to ensure that EFF gets more seats in parliament” EFF initiates celebrates in Parliament

” They are doing now there” It’s unmistakable EFF is more worried about acclaim not aiding South Africans.

Malema is using EFF to propel his inclinations and enhance himself. It was President Zuma’s damage.

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South Africans will not have the option to completely see the value in tyrant Julius’ tones for a long time.

Our state spent R-2 Billion on the state catch commission”No 1 had been captured” Obviously the state was not caught” it was the plan of WMC moved by EFF.

EFF: sold South Africans by guaranteeing disunity among highly contrasting “More often than not they fault endlessly whites are not running us now.

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