Generations: Mpho Suspects Something Is Very Wrong With His Friend’s Relationship

Generations: Mpho Suspects Something Is Very Wrong With His Friend’s Relationship

Nontle moved in with Zikhona to strengthen their relationship. However, Nontle was always starting fights with Zikhona, while Zikhona remained quiet. Mpho met Mbali for breakfast, and as they were talking, Zikhona passed by to greet them.


Curious, Mbali asked Mpho when he last spoke to Nontle. Mpho wanted to know why she was asking. Mbali then informed Mpho that Nontle caused Zikhona to lose her promotion because they had a fight before her presentation.

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Mpho shared with Mbali that Nontle and Zikhona were constantly fighting when he stayed with them. He explained that Nontle was the one who frequently shouted at Zikhona, and he referred to it as verbal abuse. Mbali couldn’t believe it and suggested that Nontle’s behavior stemmed from jealousy, turning her into an intense person. Mpho assured Mbali that he would try to meet with Nontle and talk to her. Mpho really cares about Nontle.

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