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HomeEntertainment"Ni Mrembo Saana" Jackie Matubia Wows Fans Online With A Beautiful Photo...

“Ni Mrembo Saana” Jackie Matubia Wows Fans Online With A Beautiful Photo Of Her

Jackie Matubia has been trending lately following her break up with her baby daddy.Jackie recently speculated the break up rumors after she said that she hadn’t talked with her baby daddy for a while.

Jacky and Blessing Lungaho once served Kenyans with couple goals.They were onced one of the most admired Celebrity couple.

After their split Jackie has been sharing numerous photos of her in social media.She recently said that she isn’t ready to make anyone famous again in the name of dating and for this reason she isn’t ready to date anyone.

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Jackie has shared a cute photo of her in her Facebook page.The mother of one dazzled in a very beautiful outfit.She was putting on a yellow dress which made her to look so outstanding.Her hairstyle was also on the top notch.


“Mirror mirror on the wall,who is the most fairest of them all,” she wrote accompanied with her photos.

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Check out her post below;


After coming across this photo,fans online had mixed reactions.Most fans admired the actress’ beauty.

Check out some of the reactions from fans;


Content created and supplied by: dedox (via Opera
News )

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