“We Are Going Back To Vote” Kenyans Say As Raila Reveals The Number Of Signatures He Has Collected

"We Are Going Back To Vote" Kenyans Say As Raila Reveals The Number Of Signatures He Has Collected

Concerns have been raised over the credibility of the last general elections after Azimio leader Raila Odinga announced that the coalition has collected 8 million signatures from Kenyans. In a tweet he shared on his twitter page on Tuesday, Raila said that what the former chairman of IEBC Wafula Chebukati said that Ruto had got 7.1 million votes was a lie.


“Mr Ruto according to Chebukati supposedly got 7.1 million votes, already we have over 8 million signatures.” Raila tweeted.

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This revelation has left Kenyans with many questions on the internet. Many people have questioned how Ruto could have won the elections if such a big number of Kenyans are against his leadership. Some people have now requested that we have a reelection to see if Ruto will still win against Raila.

Some people however slammed the Azimio boss telling him he was just delusional and should accept the defeat and move on. They told him that Ruto is the president and the pills he is conduct will not change anything.

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What do you have to say about the signature collected by Azimio? Do they pose any challenge to the victory of Kenya Kwanza? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.


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