Ochieng To Spend 3 Years In Jail Because Of Messages Of This Kind

Ochieng To Spend 3 Years In Jail Because Of Messages Of This Kind

Fidel Ochieng from Eldoret found himself in hot soup after some of his messages were produced in court as an evidence against him.


Fidel’s wife had taken him to court because of abusing her after their break up. Fidel’s abusive messages were produced in court. The words used by Fidel to abuse his wife were vulgar that the court’s clerk was embarrassed to read them.

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The words used by Fidel disgusted the court and the judge. In the messages, Fidel had abused his wife using words that attacked the wife’s parents.


The judge gave his verdict where Fidel was sentenced 3 years of imprisonment. The judge gave Fidel an alternative of paying Ksh 100,000 fine.

The judge said that this should serve as a lesson to Fidel and other people who are fond of using abusive words while addressing other people in text messages.

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Someone’s choice of words could lead someone into trouble. People should be careful.


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