HomeNewsUDA MP From Mt Kenya Caution Gachagua, Kagombe & Nyoro, Claims What...

UDA MP From Mt Kenya Caution Gachagua, Kagombe & Nyoro, Claims What Locals Will Be Forced to Do Soon

Muranga County Member of Parliament Hon Betty Maina Ee Sawa in what appears as a warning to Deputy President Hon Riggy G, Kimani Ichungwa MP for Kikuyu, Kiharu’s Ndindi Nyoro and Gatundu South Lawmaker GG Kagombe among other Mt Kenya Region Leaders has this morning said the former President Uhuru Kenyatta ought to be respected by all Leaders.

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Speaking as reported by the Nation Media group where she e said that locals will in the coming days be forced to defend one of their own should the leaders cease to stop the fire on Uhuru, Betty Maina thought that Uhuru should be left to enjoy his retirement perks without being rattled.The Vocal UDA MP has also said that his legacy projects shouldn’t be destroyed by people who are on their revenge mission but instead focus on delivering on the Kenya Kwanza manifestos adding that 2027 is too near and people will be shocked.c18b9788bff74ffbb963b95b16f39c96?quality=uhq&resize=720

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Content created and supplied by: Kijana_Slim (via Opera
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