Comment on 10-year-old boy in Busia saves woman, 21, from being raped by AffiliateLabz

Police in Busia have arrested a man, 28, on claims of attempting to rape a 21-year-old woman, who works as a house-help in Mulambwa Village. [PHOTO

Police in Butula, Busia County have arrested a 28-year-old man on claims of attempting to rape a 21-year-old woman, who works as a house-help in Mulambwa Village.

The suspect,
identified only as Victor, is said to have grabbed his victim by the neck, and
dragged her to the bedroom of her employer with the intention of sexually
assaulting her. Both Victor and his said-victim work for the same employer,
identified as Redempta Odhiambo.


As the victim
fought back in order to free herself from Victor’s grip, Redempta’s 10-year-old
grandson, who was watching the 9pm scuffle, screamed for help, forcing Victor
to flee the scene.

Victor, a
gardener at Redempta’s homestead, is alleged to have bitten his victim’s left
ear, leaving her injured.

Police in Butula
later arrested the suspect and took him to Bumala Police Station where he is
being detained awaiting arraignment Monday.

His victim was
taken to Khunyangu Sub-County Hospital, where she was treated and discharged.

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