HomeSouth AfricaGenerations: There Is Tension In The Diale Household When Husband And Wife...

Generations: There Is Tension In The Diale Household When Husband And Wife Cannot Agree To One Thing

Mrekza found out that he has a son with Buhle but he did not know how to tell his wife. Lucy saw Mrekza and Buhle spending time together and she thought that they are having and affair.

She confronted Mrekza and Mrekza told her the truth. Mrekza told her that he has a son with Buhle. Lucy told Mrekza that he should do a DNA test to make sure that he is Themba’s father. Mrekza has been hesitating to do the DNA test because he did not want Buhle to think that he does not trust her.

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Mrekza told Lucy that she should allow him to deal with the matter in his own way and she agreed. Mrekza met with Buhle and Themba for lunch. Themba went to the bathroom and Mrekza told Buhle about the DNA test. Buhle got mad and told Mrekza that she did him a favour by telling him that he has a son with her.

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