Babu Owino’s Wife Opens Up On Last Conversation She Had With Him, Reveals What She Fears Now

Babu Owino's Wife Opens Up On Last Conversation She Had With Him, Reveals What She Fears Now

In a video that has been making rounds on different social media platforms, Babu Owino’s Wife Fridah Ongili has opened up on the last conversation she had with her husband before his phone went off.

In a conversation that the two had, Babu Owino had told his wife that he had just arrived from Mombasa and had been arrested by the DCI and was under their custody at the Airport.


In the last conversation, Babu Owino promised to get in touch with her later and that was the last time the two talked and every effort to try and reach her husband could not bear any fruits.

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Speaking to reporters, Fridah Ongili continued to insist that her husband was innocent and only fighting for the right of Kenyans. According to her, there is no mistake he did that could warrant his arrest even has he pleaded with the police to allow her see her husband.

“My husband did nothing to warrant the arrest,” stated Babu Owino’s wife Fridah Ongili as he pleaded with the police. In her desperate search for her husband, She was finally able to find him at the Wanguru Police station in Mwea. “I was able to ascertain that my Husband is being held in Wanguru Police station in Mwea, the only problem we have is that he is likely to be transfered now that we know where he is.”

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In her sentiments Fridah Ongili also called for Azimio Coalition with the help of the former Prime Minister Raila Odinga to help free Babu Owino. Also watch the video using the link below;

Content created and supplied by: The-Informant (via Opera
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