Fans of huge BBC drama go wild as cast tease reboot… 11 years after the last episode

Fans of huge BBC drama go wild as cast tease reboot… 11 years after the last episode

Fans of a huge BBC drama have gone wild as the cast teased a potential reboot, 11 years after the last episode aired. 

The stars of Hustle reunited on Saturday for a group night out, with Matt Di Angelo sharing a photo to Instagram. 

The actor, 36, who played Sean Kennedy, in the drama, joined co-stars, Robert Glenister, Michael Stone, Rob Jarvis, and Adrian Lester for a photo.

 Taking to Instagram, Matt uploaded the black and white photo and captioned: ‘We’rrrrreeeee Baaaccckkk.’ 

Fans of the show commented: ‘Would love it to come back, this was my favourite series. Have watched it several times and it never gets old.’ 

Another added: ‘Please Come Back, I’m always watching Repeats of Hustle. Best Programme Ever.’

Back in 2011, actor Robert Vaughn said working on Hustle has been ‘the most enjoyable eight years of my life as an actor’. 

Why? Because of the people he’s met. ‘Not only have I enjoyed working with them; they’ve become very close personal friends,’ he said.

Blimey! This is the Robert Vaughn: Hollywood legend, star of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. and last surviving member of The Magnificent Seven. 

This is a man who once ended up in a Mexican brothel with Steve McQueen, got drunk with Bette Davis and has Robert de Niro on his friends-and-family list. Is he really saying he enjoyed hanging out with the Hustle guys more?

It’s rather startling – not least because Hustle is mostly filmed in Birmingham, and often in the rain. ‘There’s no special treatment for Mr V either,’ points out co-star Robert Glenister.

‘I’m sure he would be able to demand a big Winnebago, and get whatever he asked for, but he never has. He is the most unstarry Hollywood star you could meet. But my goodness, he does have some tales to tell. 

‘Once, we filmed on location in the States and his old mate Robert Wagner was on set too. We went out to dinner and you should have heard them. Between them, those two had Hollywood sewn up.’ 

Alas, maybe Mr V, as the others call him, is getting so emotional about the Hustle gang because it is now no more. 

Unless it’s all a big scam – the ultimate Hustle con – this is the end for the BBC drama that brought us fake bank heists, casino capers and audacious scams to sell everything up to and including the Sydney Opera House.

The final series had been filmed. The last deck of (dodgy) cards has been flung into the air and the actors involved are getting ready to go straight. Or at least straight on to the next job, which in Vaughn’s case is – even more surreally – a fleeting role in Coronation Street, where he plays a wealthy American. He seems to love the Corrie team too.

‘It’s an institution, isn’t it? I like being part of national institutions – rather than mental institutions,’ he said.

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