Expert Reveals the Only Way President Ruto Can End Raila’s Demonstrations

Expert Reveals the Only Way President Ruto Can End Raila's Demonstrations

The country is experiencing tension especially after Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga declared that there will be demonstrations three times every week. President Ruto on the other hand has not shown any sign of relenting since he also issued a declaration that he will not allow any more protests in the country.


Political expert Herman Manyora has weighed in on this matter revealing the only ways that President Ruto can be able to stop the demonstrations from taking place.

One of the solutions he offered is that the president can stop the protests by suspending the constitution which will most likely not end well.

Manyora said, “President Ruto can say there will be no more maandamano but first he will have to suspend the constitution and rule by decree. One of the provisions of the constitution is that Kenyans given their history decided to give Kenya the liberty to picket and demonstrate unarmed and peaceful. So the only way you can stop that is by either amending the constitution through a referendum or suspending it.”

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Manyora advised the president and his team to stop talking too much because people may end up misquoting him. That when he says he will not allow any more deaths people will interpret that he has been causing the previous ones.

He went ahead to state that a time has come when it does not matter who is right and who is wrong. The only thing remaining to do is saving the country from destruction and anarchy.

According to Manyora, the bi-partisan talks were not taken seriously by the government because they thought things would come back to normal by even convincing Raila to stop pushing his agenda, forgetting that people will be driven to the streets by hunger and not listening to Azimio leader.

The political analyst warned the government that what happened on Wednesday is a sign that there is danger ahead because it was clear that people are learning how to organise themselves to face the police.

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That some people may play tricks to stage-manage things so that one side is blamed but Kenyans are clever and able to see when they are being played.

Manyora said that he is not happy with both sides because Raila planning protests three days a week may burn the country and the other side thinking they can manage them is not possible because they don’t have the capacity. According to him Raila is not a human being but a spirit.

He said that the president should be the one to come down and start by asking his allies to stop talking about the protests as he looks for Raila for a conversation the way Uhuru did, which according to him is the only peaceful way to end protests.

Content created and supplied by: GirlinSpecs (via Opera
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