Soda lovers shocked to discover fingerless hack to opening a can

Soda lovers shocked to discover fingerless hack to opening a can

People are just now discovering a new hack to make their soda cans “pop.”

Jordan Howlett, known as @jordan_the_stallion8 on TikTok, showed his 10.4 million followers a discovery he made of how to open a soda can with another soda can.


The video, which has 1.2 million likes, was a stitch response to another video where the user asked, “What is something you found out late in life that you should have known earlier but you just didn’t?”

The 26-year-old content creator was excited to share his hack.

“So if you guys were to take a look at the bottom of a soda can, you see that it has this extra little circular ridge here,” he said, touching the ridge on the bottom.

Howlett, from California, explained that the bottom of a soda can needs to be circular in order to maintain pressure and carbonation so the drink stays bubbly and fresh.

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He added that when the first canned soda was released in 1938, they changed the design to also have a ridge on the bottom.

The 26-year-old content creator was excited to share his hack.
Jordan Howlett/TikTok

“You wanna know why? Because these sodas are multi-purposeful, meaning that you can stack one on top of the other and use it to open the other soda,” he clarified.

He revealed to viewers that there’s no coincidence for why the cans “stack so perfectly on top of each other.”

Howlett demonstrated how to perfect the hack, and gave a few examples of when this would come in handy.

“If you just got you just got your nails done [and] you don’t want to mess them up or it hurts your fingers to try to open them by themselves, just take a soda, put it on top, and open it with another soda,” he said.

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A TikTok star who is known for his viral hacks has once again stunned his followers after sharing the hidden use for the bottom of a soda can.
Howlett, from California, explained that the bottom of a soda can needs to be circular in order to maintain pressure and carbonation so the drink stays bubbly and fresh.
Jordan Howlett/TikTok

People in the comments were left mindblown by the revelation.

“My jaw is on the floor, sir,” someone wrote.

“Yeah I’m trying this later at work,” another shared. “I’m a flight attendant and hurt my fingers or chip my nails constantly cause of this.”

This trick is far from the first viral soda secret reveal as of late.

One recent discovery saw McDonald’s customers realizing what the buttons and ridges on the top of the drink lids are for.

Lots of customers correctly guessed that the circular buttons were indicators of what drink is in the cup. Each button has a label: “diet,” “cola,” “RB” for root beer, and “other.” But the function of the smaller rectangle buttons next to the circular ones wasn’t as obvious: The ridges are used to correct a mistake if a server presses down the wrong circular button.
