HomeNews"The World Is Watching" Philip Etale Makes a New Claim Against KK...

“The World Is Watching” Philip Etale Makes a New Claim Against KK Ahead Of Demos

Hon. Philip Etale has hinted through his official twitter page alleging that the Kenya Kwanza government has dispatched police officers to Kisii county to deal with Demonstrators tomorrow during Azimio protests.

According to him the people of Kisii county are determined to fight for their rights regardless of who is who in the region.


“Officers in plain clothes have been dispatched to Kisii to deal with demonstrators tomorrow. They have firm instructions. But the people of Kisii are determined to fight for their rights regardless of who is who in their region. Kenyans are watching. The world is watching”. Said Hon. Philip Etale.

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A section of Kenyans are hoping that president William Ruto will and Raila Odinga will come to an agreement and end the weekly Maandamano against this government. It’s now a matter of wait and see what happens in the coming days if president William Ruto and Raila Odinga will end the weekly Maandamano or not.

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