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HomeNigeriaAngela Eguavoen discusses the challenges of being in a relationship with an...

Angela Eguavoen discusses the challenges of being in a relationship with an actor

Angela Eguavoen, a renowned actress in Nollywood, recently initiated a trend on her Instagram stories, discussing the challenges of dating or being in a relationship with an actor/actress. This query generated a multitude of responses from netizens, who presented diverse reasons for their reservations about starting a relationship with a public figure. One prevalent response highlighted the added difficulties for most individuals is the fact that their flashy lifestyles makes people think that they are not loyal to a single person.

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Suprised by such a statement, Angela took it upon to clarify as she said, and quote: “NOT FOR ONE PERSON? Such a big misconception. Well, this is totally individual based. A faithful person is a faithful person whether they are a public figure or not. That flashy girl/guy you think have countless number of men or women everywhere might not even have one. Being a public figure or person that has something to loose comes with a lot of being extra careful. So kindly change your mindset.”

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Check out the screenshot of another of her responses below.


Content created and supplied by: Greenkai (via Opera
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