Manyora Alleges of What Might Happen to Ruto If Azimio Demonstrations Continue

Manyora Alleges of What Might Happen to Ruto If Azimio Demonstrations Continue

Political analyst Herman Manyora has warned president William Ruto to stop sitting through a revolution. According to the lecturer who is also a political analyst, president William Ruto will be swept out of power by an uprising and not the signatures.



Professor Manyora is clear that the signature collection is a way by the opposition leaders to register the members who will lead a revolution. This means that, Raila Odinga is not collecting signatures for verification by anybody.

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Here is a link:


It’s obvious that a revolution is treason act and it’s punishable by law including the 2010 constitution. President Ruto would obviously crash any attempt by the opposition to remove him from power and that’s why Azimio is using collection of signatures as an excuse for their nefarious plot.

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However, Kenyans are watching keenly to understand of whether the signature collection will throw Ruto out of his confort zone. It’s however notable that revolutions rarely happen in countries like Kenya because of tribal cards and lack of common purpose. Whether Ruto is sitting at a possible revolution, let’s wait and see.

Content created and supplied by: Nyandu (via Opera
News )
