” You Must Pay Taxes to AU, We Don’t Want to Be Controlled by Western Powers” Ruto Tells Africa

" You Must Pay Taxes to AU, We Don't Want to Be Controlled by Western Powers" Ruto Tells Africa

President William Ruto has asked all African countries to pay taxes of 2 percent to the African Union to avoid being controlled by Western Powers. The president who was speaking in Brazzaville has affirmed that the African Union must stand up and defend Africa without depending on funding from Western countries.


President Ruto has also asked all African countries to abolish the dollar and come up with a Pan-African currency that will be the mode of trade in Africa. The president is clear that the dominance of the dollar in Africa must be dismissed and ignored.

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Here is a link: https://twitter.com/ntvkenya/status/1677628227689250816?t=de7ezaaOEUu59cNABmQcJA&s=19


President Ruto has vowed to ensure that Africa remains united to face off with the Western Powers on an equal footing. The head of state is clear that during his tenure as president, Africa must remain united and move in one direction.

President Ruto has asked global powers including the United States and United Kingdom to respect the space of Africa. Ruto’s moves clearly demonstrate of a person who is in a mission to place Africa at equal level with developed Nations.

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Content created and supplied by: Kingangi (via Opera
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