“You Can’t Arrest Raila” Political Expert Warns Ruto Not To Arrest Raila, Says Who To Arrest Instead

"You Can't Arrest Raila" Political Expert Warns Ruto Not To Arrest Raila, Says Who To Arrest Instead

Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei has publicly demanded the prompt arrest of Raila Odinga, the leader of Azimio la Umoja, along with other organizers of the Saba Saba protests that took place on Friday.

In a video that has been viewed by The Standard, Cherargei accused Odinga and his associates of instigating chaos and disruption by encouraging their supporters to participate in demonstrations.


“For us who believe in the rule of law, Raila and organisers must be arrested immediately, because he continues to create chaos, anarchy, and destruction of property,” the Senator claimed.

However, Cherargei was unable to specifically identify any law that Raila Odinga may have violated by leading protests against the high cost of living and the Finance Act of 2023.

“Let us arrest him…What’s the worst that can happen? We will be able to revive the economy,” he said.

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Legal experts are now asserting that the call for the arrest of Raila Odinga is misguided, as the senator has failed to provide evidence of any crime committed by Odinga.5d518392869c4a429449a32984895481?quality=uhq&resize=720

Constitutional Lawyer Bobby Mkangi has expressed the opinion that Azimio la Umoja is well within their rights to hold demonstrations if they are dissatisfied with the country’s leadership and direction.

Mkangi emphasized that peaceful protests are a legitimate means for citizens to express their grievances and advocate for change.

“It will be difficult to arrest Odinga. Cherargei must be specific on what law is being broken and what he wants Raila to be arrested for. It is within our constitutional expectations,” said Mkangi.1a6f5d4e6c644697af95c329db1fe706?quality=uhq&resize=720

Mkangi further argued that the authorities should prioritize their efforts in identifying and apprehending the actual perpetrators of crimes, looting, and acts of destruction that may have occurred during the demonstrations.

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“The people to be arrested are those that committed crimes. Those who looted and those who caused the deaths of civilians. That’s the direction we should be looking.”

On Friday, July 7, Azimio la Umoja initiated its 10 million signature collection drive, with Raila Odinga being the first to sign.

Raila stated that the collection of signatures symbolizes their discontent with the leadership of the Kenya Kwanza government, headed by President William Ruto and his deputy Gachagua. The signature campaign serves as a public expression of dissatisfaction with the current administration’s governance and policies.

Content created and supplied by: JobW (via Opera
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