Taxation is Not a Joke, Khalwale Reacts After Controversial Celebrations in Parliament Over Taxation

Taxation is Not a Joke, Khalwale Reacts After Controversial Celebrations in Parliament Over Taxation

In yesterday’s Finance Bill debate, parliamentarians found themselves in a rare situation where taxation became the center of attention, prompting contrasting reactions from lawmakers.

Kakamega Senator Dr. Boni Khalwale and Samburu West MP Naisula Lesuuda have today, June 22, shed more light on the atmosphere within the parliament and the differing perspectives on taxation.


The heated debate on the Finance Bill brought to light the seriousness of taxation matters and the impact they have on various sectors of the economy.

Senator Boni Khalwale, with his years of experience, has expressed his astonishment at the lack of solemnity during such debates, emphasizing that taxation is not a matter to be taken lightly.6915bb45121c47c1ae9adaccd4da2942?quality=uhq&resize=720

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While appearing on Citizen TV’s daybreak show, Khalwale said “I have never, in my many years of parliament, gone to a Finance Bill debate where there is celebration, because it is bitter. Taxation is not a joke.”

His statement captured the gravity and complexity of tax-related decisions in Parliament.

Echoing Khalwale’s sentiments, MP Naisula Lesuuda shared her surprise and concern regarding the cheerful atmosphere that ensued after the approval of a clause related to the increase of Value Added Tax (VAT) on fuel.

My exact thought yesterday, especially when we were at clause 28 on the increase of VAT on fuel to 16% and there were cheers and celebrations. Weeuh,” the MP reacted47c6358140a145d58cd3e105eaa103b2?quality=uhq&resize=720

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Her reaction reflected the broader sentiment that taxation debates should be approached with caution and gravity, considering the potential implications on citizens’ livelihoods and the overall economy.

It is essential for parliamentarians to strike a balance between addressing the nation’s financial needs and ensuring that taxation measures are fair and equitable.

The impact of taxation extends far beyond the walls of Parliament, affecting individuals, businesses, and the overall economic landscape.

It is crucial that these discussions are conducted with the gravity and consideration they deserve.

Content created and supplied by: Ayoo (via Opera
News )
