Ruto Dealt a Second Major Blow as Raila Vows to Continue with Demos Until Good Results are Seen

Ruto Dealt a Second Major Blow as Raila Vows to Continue with Demos Until Good Results are Seen

Following the landmark ruling by the three bench high Court judges, president William Ruto has received a second major blow with only ten months in office. The high Court judges quashed the appointed chief administrative secretaries citing that they are unconstitutional and a huge burden to the tax payers.

The court went ahead to accept the fact that there was public participation in the whole process but observed that it was only done for the 23 of them and the remaining 27 were not conducted. The court also maintained that it beat logic that a total 50 CASs would deputies 22 cabinet secretaries.

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While reaction to the ruling Azimio coalition Principal hon Raila Odinga welcomed the move and told president William Ruto that in Kenya people aren’t foolish the way he thinks. He went ahead to tell the head of state and government that things are very far away from settling as he will continue with the planned demonstrations until he sees change.aa863d84800e4bdbaa9d571cc6fa2436?quality=uhq&resize=720

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Raila Odinga’s allegations comes after the third way alliance party leader Dr Ekuru Aukot maintained that president William Ruto played the chief administrative secretaries knowing very well that the positions were illegal and will be quashed.

Content created and supplied by: LeeCarl (via Opera
News )
