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HomeEntertainmentIndonesian esports icon Kayes Onic denies scandalous video authenticity

Indonesian esports icon Kayes Onic denies scandalous video authenticity

A purported scandalous video involving Indonesian esports icon and TikTok influencer, Kayes Onic, is currently making waves on the internet, generating a flurry of discussion and speculation. The video’s rapid spread across digital platforms like Telegram, TikTok, and Twitter has raised questions about its authenticity and origin. Responding promptly, Onic dismissed the video as falsified, attributing it to malicious editing or manipulation. She has openly communicated her conviction that the video was shared with harmful intent to smear her high-profile reputation in the esports and social media arenas. This incident underscores the complexity of the digital landscape that public figures must navigate, with the potential for harmful content to spread swiftly.

The Kayes Onic Video: A Glimpse into the Telegram Leak

A two-minute video first surfaced on the Telegram channel “Kayes Viral” on August 5, 2022, causing a digital stir. The channel, boasting over 14,000 subscribers, claimed the video featured intimate moments of Kayes Onic. To further pique interest, the channel hinted at revealing the video’s truth upon reaching a 10,000 subscriber milestone. This strategy proved effective, as the video rapidly gained popularity, amassing millions of views and sparking a flurry of online commentary.

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Watch Viral video here

However, as the video spread, doubts began to surface. Observant viewers noted potential inconsistencies within the footage, suggesting possible editing irregularities. Speculation ranged from assertions that the video was repurposed with Kayes Onic’s face digitally superimposed, to theories suggesting a lookalike as the subject. Keen observers also identified distinct glitches and distortions, casting further doubt on the video’s authenticity.

The Kayes Onic Scandal: A Closer Look

Kayes Onic, a member of the Onic Esports team with a TikTok following of over 7 million, has categorically denied the video’s existence, asserting it to be a hoax. She has firmly maintained she never participated in or recorded such footage and suggested an attempt to tarnish her image and career. She revealed that she has reported the incident to authorities and expressed hope for the identification and punishment of the culprit.

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Fans and esports colleagues of Onic have rallied in support, voicing their belief in her innocence and refusing to judge her based on an unverified video. They have urged others to respect her privacy and dignity, cautioning against spreading or viewing the contentious video.

The scandal has sparked discussions on the ethics and legality of producing and disseminating such videos without the knowledge or consent of the individuals involved. Some have argued it constitutes cyberbullying and harassment, infringing on the rights and dignity of the victims, while others view it as a form of entertainment and freedom of expression that causes no harm. As the saga continues, it underscores the ongoing challenges in distinguishing fact from fiction in the increasingly complex digital world.



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