HomeBuzzJamaica raft video plastic bag twitter leakes, sparks wild memes online

Jamaica raft video plastic bag twitter leakes, sparks wild memes online

Jamaica raft video plastic bag twitter leakes, sparks wild memes online 1

The most recent viral video causing a stir online revolves around an unconventional setting—a raft. Recently, a video capturing two individuals engaging in adult activities aboard a boat gained widespread attention on various social media platforms. The incident unfolded in Jamaica but quickly transcended geographical boundaries, prompting internet users to share their collective disapproval on Twitter.

The Jamaica Observer was among the few outlets that reported on this event, disclosing that a captain from River Raft Limited was involved in intimate activities with a female guest on the floating vessel. The video, dubbed ‘The Martha Brae Special,’ captured the woman allegedly making a request for a plastic bag.

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Although the incident occurred in September 2022, videos resurfaced online in recent days. The boat in question reportedly navigates from the Martha Brae to the Jamaica Swamp Safari Village in Trelawny.

Details about whether other guests were present on the raft during the incident remain unclear. The identities of the individuals involved also remain undisclosed. Information regarding potential criminal charges against the pair is not available as of the time of writing.

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Given the diverse reactions the video has triggered online, it is evident that the clip has garnered millions of views on Twitter alone. Numerous users took to the platform to express their disappointment.

Twitter was inundated with a plethora of reactions to the video. Many users shared humorous memes, humorously lamenting their unfortunate encounter with the content. It is apparent from the multitude of memes that surfaced that a significant number of netizens were displeased by the video.



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