What Raila’s ODM Members Did In Migori Ahead Of SabaSaba Demos Over Frustrations From Odinga Allies

What Raila's ODM Members Did In Migori Ahead Of SabaSaba Demos Over Frustrations From Odinga Allies

President William Ruto has pulled the rag from under the feet of Opposition chief Raila Odinga after 30 leaders defected to his United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party.

The section of ODM members in Migori say they joined UDA over frustrations from Raila allies.


This comes ahead of Mr Odinga’s Friday 7th Sabasaba rally demos.

At the same time, Ruto has convinced eight ODM senators and MPs to work with his government, further weakening Raila’s stranglehold of his Nyanza political base.

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The ten leaders pledged loyalty to Ruto’s United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party during a closed door meeting with UDA allies who is keen to form a powerful political machine.92a35b73120e4cf8872a5dd78c4427f6?quality=uhq&resize=720

The defections came a day after Owalo and Interior PS Raymond Omollo led the group to a meeting with the President at State House Nairobi for the second day this week, where they promised to work with UDA.

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Friday’s development is a big blow to Odinga and his Azimio alliance that hinted on resuming countrywide nationwide demonstrations to protest the high cost of living and a victory he claimed was snatched from him during the August 2022 election.

Here is the link to the story;


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