Kenyans Left Speechless After Youngest UDA Women Rep Linet Toto Allegedly Gifted Hubby This Car

Kenyans Left Speechless After Youngest UDA Women Rep Linet Toto Allegedly Gifted Hubby This Car

Bomet County’s current woman representative is Linet Toto. Using the United Democratic Alliance Party, the young politician gained the job on August 9, 2022.

In a private ceremony, Linet Toto wed his fiancé Godfrey Kimutai later this year.It has recently been claimed that she bought a Nissan Patrol and gave it to his husband.


Kenyans have started acting in a different way, with many requesting that women look at what Toto has done.

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However some are against Toto’s move as they claim that she should have first settle herself and build herself before concentrating on her husband.

Some Kenyans are also claiming that she should have build a house or even bought a car to their poor parents first before buying the car to her husband. d21bce8a04cb4ce4b76d271216198e5c?quality=uhq&resize=720

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Anyways no one knows her plans as a women representative. It is a matter of time to see how she will eventually perform in the county. Leave a comment below, like and share the article widely.

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